How to avoid bad SEO duplicate content urls in the Zend Framework?

by percy_bauch , in category: SEO , a year ago

How to avoid bad SEO duplicate content urls in the Zend Framework?

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2 answers

by june.crooks , a year ago


To avoid duplicate content issues with URLs in Zend Framework, you can take the following steps:

  1. Use canonical URLs: Adding a "rel=canonical" link to your HTML header points search engines to the preferred URL for the page.
  2. Redirect non-preferred URLs: You can use a 301 redirect to redirect non-preferred URLs to the preferred URL.
  3. Use URL rewrites: You can use Zend Framework's URL rewriting capabilities to redirect non-preferred URLs to preferred URLs.
  4. Unique URL structure: Ensure that your URL structure is unique and easily distinguishable to search engines.
  5. Limit the use of parameters: Minimize the use of parameters in your URLs, as they can cause confusion for search engines and result in duplicate content.

By implementing these steps, you can reduce the chances of search engines considering your content as duplicate and negatively impacting your SEO.


by delpha , a year ago


To avoid bad SEO duplicate content urls in Zend Framework, you can use the following methods:

  1. Use URL rewrites: You can use Zend Framework's URL Rewrite module to rewrite URLs and avoid duplicate content issues.
  2. Implement canonical URLs: You can add a "rel=canonical" tag to the head of each page, indicating the preferred URL for that page.
  3. Use the noindex meta tag: You can add a "noindex" meta tag to pages you don't want indexed by search engines.
  4. Use the Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector: You can use the Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector to redirect duplicate URLs to the preferred URL.
  5. Use Google Search Console: You can use Google Search Console to monitor your website for duplicate content and resolve any issues.

These methods will help you to avoid bad SEO duplicate content issues in the Zend Framework.